A Long Good-Bye…

German Shepherd DogGreg and Uschie came together when Uschie was just a puppy. Uschie won Greg’s heart when she came right to him as he met the litter. She was a fantastic companion for Greg and they did much together i.e. hung out, pack trips with horses, horseback riding, adventuring, et al.

Uschie and I met about seven years ago. We hit it off rightaway. She accepted me fully as I did her. She was a dog that really knew who she was and expressed her love freely. She was a loving companion and teacher for me. She was so smart and so well-behaved. She was thrilled that Greg finally had a partner that loved dogs. Uschie warmed my heart!!

She was healthy right up until her thirteenth year. I usually get clarity on when to hold my courses in the spring and summer and then I send out newsletters by late winter/early spring. Last year, I was getting no clarity whatsoever. So I continued to sit with it and yet still no guidance as we moved into April. That month, Uschie started showing signs of constipation. She asked for remedies that are known to soften stool. I continued to do energy work with her. Near the end of April, I was walking with her around our pond when she directed me via animal communication to her intestinal area. As I intuitively looked within her, I saw that her innards looked very abnormal and I had an urgent sense from her to be checked by a Vet. It was as though we needed more information about her health. Greg made an appointment that afternoon and we got the news that she had abdominal tumours(believed to be cancerous). These tumours displaced her intestinal tract and rectum. Uschie wanted to go home and direct us as to what to do for her.

I took the next day off as I used energy techniques to release my sadness and other emotions, so I could move into more of an acceptance space and be guided fully by Uschie. It was so interesting as Uschie would walk away whenever I would get into that space of crying and feeling woeful as she wanted no part of that. The following day, I felt like I had surrendered with love and moved into an acceptance space. She guided me regarding food, supplements, energy work, etc. My Friend, Heather, would help me with clarification when I needed it. Greg also moved into an acceptance space by the weekend. She was definitely in the driver’s seat of her life and we knew it and honoured it.

In the beginning, one would never know that she had cancer other than the straining before the bowel movements. Even then, she gave no indication of any discomfort. She just accepted the straining as part of the process. She ate various meats, natural canned dog food, cottage cheese, etc. Uschie would take anywhere from a few minutes to a half hour to eat as she would often have a taste for certain foods for a certain amount of time then change to another food. I wound up putting out a smorgasbord of food for her, so she could pick and choose what was right for her at that particular time. She would come out as usual to the horses with us. She was very active still and happy.

She wanted certain supplements i.e. Life Gold at www.petwellbeing.com which is like Essiac known as a cancer remedy, Aloe for general healing and maintaining softer stool, Essential Silver for keeping infection energy at bay and healing the body, Miracle II Neutralizer to balance pH and to sustain a sense of well-being, etc. and a few homeopathic remedies for cancer and to keep her comfortable i.e Colubrina, Arsenicum album, Hydrastis, etc. She wanted energy work from my Friends, Heather and Manuela, as well as me.

She did well for a couple of months. The Sunday before Canada Day long weekend, Uschie’s appetite changed and she became incontinent, so Greg asked, “What do we do now?” I knew what he was thinking i.e. euthanize or not. I said, “She will continue to guide us.” We placed a few beds around the house and cleaned up as needed. She was still asking to go out to urinate at times, but we had to be quick as there was a state of urgency. She continued to drink water and be very active. Greg and I cancelled our trip to Ontario(my Brother was getting married on Canada Day). We just couldn’t leave her. She needed us to be with her and we needed to be here with her as well. We continued to work through various emotions and our concerns about her as well as the various emotions that we felt about not going to Ontario.

Uschie became weaker as the week went on. The following week, she still insisted on spending time outside with me while I was out with the horses. Mid-week, she was weaker and then hit a plateau. One morning, Greg left her outside on her own for just a few minutes and she wandered off. Greg found her down below our house on the lane. We helped her to level ground and she walked back to our house no problem. It crossed our minds that perhaps she was looking for a place to die, but then she informed us that she was out on a walkabout experiencing our ranch before passing on.
Some time passed and once again, Greg was questioning what to do and I responded that she will guide us. He, of course, was concerned about her suffering then admitted that she seemed as though she wanted to live on. She continued to be very clear when it came to her wishes.

She became thinner and eventually chose to stay around the yard rather than going out to the horses with us. Greg and I went to Kamloops on July 12 while our Friend, Tracy, looked after her. She sensed Uschie becoming weaker as the day went on.

The next day, Tracy came back to care give Uschie for a few hours while we went to a barbecue. Uschie was having a more difficult time getting up, so Tracy went to get a towel to support her backend. When she returned, Uschie was gone. As Tracy turned around, Uschie was standing behind her. What a gal!!

The next night, I thought that she was no longer able to get up. I was wrong as she got up and went outside the next morning. That was the last time that she was able to get up on her own. I was sure that she would want euthanasia or would choose to die shortly thereafter, but no, she wanted to stay in body longer. At first, she was frustrated then quickly moved into a place of acceptance. She would maneuver her front end up on the sheet as we would change out her bedding. She kept her head up most of the time, wagged her tail, loved the loves we gave her, very engaged still, etc.

The only time that she showed any type of discomfort was when she would have a bowel movement (yes she would have very infrequent small poops even though she had not been eating much). I offered up energy work to her while she pooped and she would settle straightaway.  I would then clean her up rightaway as she did not like pooping on her bed. Bless her heart as she still had her dignity.
I checked on her a few times a night even if she didn’t let me know that she needed me. One night, she had a hard time with her respiration; therefore, anxiety which is typical of the death process. Her heavy breathing eased and she calmed after I applied a few Young Living Essential Oils i.e. Lavender, Valor and Frankincense to her body and did some Reiki at her request. I also gave her the homeopathics, Rhus tox and Pulsatilla.

We had many treasured moments with her throughout her dying process. Often our cats would lay by her or sit with us for a time. I felt them supporting her as well as Greg and me. We laughed and cried as we celebrated Uschie’s life. We were impressed with her determination to live on even though it was challenging at times. During these times, we did energy work to release emotional stress and stay grounded and centred. As much as she wanted to stay, her body was elderly and we knew that the cancer was her way out of it.

Throughout this whole process, we let her know that she could go one way or the other if she chose to, but her wish was to live on. I also did energy work with Uschie to help her to get beyond that survival instinct and various imbalances that can make it difficult to let go. My wish was that simply the Truth(soul  guidance which is in the best interest of all) would prevail.

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She continued to guide us to specific remedies that she wanted i.e. Chlorophyll, honey and water(known as an oral iv in the natural healing world), Life Gold, Essential Silver, Aloe, Miracle II and various homeopathics to keep her comfortable. I gave her Emergency 911 which calms one similar to Rescue Remedy.

It can be difficult for some to distinguish between suffering and the physical process of the body shutting down. I feel very fortunate and blessed as Uschie was very clear on her wishes and she showed me the great extent that one can detach from the physical experience. She was the ultimate example of being spiritual in the physical body. She loved being in body and was determined to stay as long as possible provided we were okay with it. At one point, she saw that Greg was having some difficulty with her process and she let him know that she would be open to euthanasia if he could no longer handle it, but it was not her preference.

She did as much as possible while on her way out. She showed us that even though she was sick, she was still a healer. She was still helping my Friend, Heather, and me with world work right up to the day she died.  She was teaching us more and more about the death process i.e. to accept it and honour it. It is not to be judged, feared or controlled. Uschie showed us a different way to look at and deal with cancer. While on her way out, she decided to clear imbalanced energy for Greg, the ranch and me as well as the world.

Greg and I got even closer through this experience as he thanked me so often for taking such good care of her. He told me that he could not do what I did and I let him know that not everyone is cut out to be a caregiver in that way. I admired how he honoured Uschie and her process!!

At one point, I worked on releasing my emotions around her lengthy death process. I had never had one hold on so long. I then realized that she was helping me further to accept my gift of assisting others with this amazing process.  I thanked her further and told her that I was glad that she understood me on a deeper level as my emotions sometimes got the best of me. She acknowledged my gratitude and then asked me to help her to die with intention(a gift of shutting the body down with the conscious mind that many cultures have forgotten).

A couple of nights before Uschie passed on, she was sitting up looking at me. I felt an imbalanced energy around her and she informed me that she was continuing to be a conduit to clear energy for this world. I felt Christ energy coming in to clear this imbalanced energy. She also wanted Sound Therapy(crystal bowls) from Faith, one of my Alberta Friends,  the next day. I placed the crystals, Lepodolite, Hematite, Malachite and Rose Quartz around her.  I put Faith on speaker phone and Uschie’s lower three chakras shifted as she listened to the beautiful sounds. Throughout the session, her eyes softened and her third eyelid came over a bit. I could feel Dusty, our horse that passed on last Fall, come in to reassure Uschie that she would take over the world work for her now. Once the session was finished, Uschie lifted her head and looked right into me. I caressed her head and face and kissed her. She loved that!! I asked if she desired anything more and she suggested consciously blending our hearts further. I felt myself opening up to a deeper sense of self and I sensed an evolvement of my spiritual work. She then rested comfortably.

She was still with us the next day requesting another Sound Therapy Session with Faith. Her eyes softened and she relaxed as the imbalanced energy released further while Faith worked with her remaining four major chakras. She moved her head towards the phone as Faith finished up with the Spiritual Chakra. She seemed even more at peace.

I had a strong sense that day that she would more than likely die that night as she asked for more of that intentional work, so I made up a bed for myself by her. I was having a hard time getting comfortable as I felt very nauseated(ate supper too late) and exhausted, so I let her know that I was going to go lay on the couch. I told her to let me know if she needed me. A little while later, she yelped and I went to her immediately. We spent more precious time together. I put essential oils on her and gave her whatever remedies she requested. I once again told her how thankful and blessed I was to have had her in my life. She reciprocated the sentiments. She was no longer able to keep her head up which bothered her a bit, but she was comforted by my touch.

I became more and more nauseated, so I told her that I was going to lay my head down on my make shift bed that was by her. I just drifted a bit and then I saw her soul in the hallway. I woke straightaway and she was dead. I sat with her body for a while as I grieved and gave thanks for her again and again for being a treasured part of my life journey. Spirit, one of our cats, came over and sat by me for support. Animals are so amazing!! I anointed her body with Frankincense then covered her. I reflected back on how she waited until I drifted before she passed on. I find it so interesting how orchestrated death is by the soul(most of the time)l!!

I was in and out of dreamtime until Greg woke up.  We held one another and wept. While Greg was outside, I cleaned the body and anointed it further with Frankincense. We later took her body to the Vet Office, so it could be sent out for cremation.

The next day, I heard her in the house. I sensed her a lot as time went on. She felt very expansive and at peace. She helped me with my clients. Both Greg and I feel that she helped us to manifest our new F350 Ford Pickup.  Even with these beautiful moments, our house was not the same without her physical presence. The rest of our Animal Family grieved her. Sissy Morgan, who was her buddy, would sit where her bed had been previously. There was a solemn feeling with all of us.

I went through some heavy grieving times during the early part of August. By mid-August, Uschie came to me to help me to lift that heaviness. I felt totally different and even more consciously aware. It was truly amazing!!

Shortly after, Greg and I saw a poster of Shephard/Husky X pups. I did take the number in case we wanted to call about them. I was not convinced yet that I was ready for another canine, but it felt ok for Greg to call once I did some energy work on myself. The delightful young lady told Greg that all the puppies were gone except for one and she was waiting to hear back from a lady that was interested in her. She spoke very highly of this pup and said that she would have kept her if she did not already have three dogs. Greg asked that she let us know if that person did not take the pup. We did not hear from her that weekend and Greg was convinced that the pup went to live elsewhere. I let him know that they may still be considering her and to trust in the process. If she was to be part of our Family, then she would be and if not, she won’t be. Messages were left on our voicemails that Thursday letting us know that the pup was still available, so we went to have a look at her the following day.

I knew that Uschie wanted to come back sooner than later and I also knew that she would let us know if her soul had walked into this youngster’s body. She came over to me and put her front paws up on my legs as I squatted down. I could sense Uschie; I told her that I could see her. Greg was also looking for a sign that this pup was to be in our lives and she came over to him and laid in between his feet. Needless to say, we took her home. As we drove home, I could sense Uschie’s soul entering this body. It was so interesting as the puppy became calmer and calmer during this process. I asked Uschie how long it would be before she was in body and she indicated that she would be fully integrated by the time we got home.

When we did arrive home, I let her out and she ran around our backyard like she had always been here. She also went to the pond confidently and even found a couple of old bones that she had buried. She was home with us again even smarter and more evolved. She does so many things similar to when she was in her other body. When I checked with her about her name, she wanted Nitika(Tika for short) this time. Her Native American name means ‘Angel of Precious Stone”. She is such a joy and we are thrilled that she came back to us!! You can see her on my website under ‘Our Animal Family” tab. The other Soul went back to the little boy that loves her so.

We feel so fortunate that she chose to be with us again!! Looking forward to continuing this awesome journey with this magnificent being!!