Specialized & Nutritional Kinesiology/Energy Balancing

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Life force energy (Chi, God, Goddess, Divine Energy or whomever you believe in) is part of our soul. It is within and around the body. It is part of all living beings including but not limited to animals, plants, gems and crystals and we are all part of it.

At times we resist this energy in different ways such as not letting go of the past, trying to control our lives and others, buying into fear and worry as well as allowing ourselves to be stressed. These resistances which become energy imbalances can affect us as well as animals energetically on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

I see the body as a biocomputer with its own biofeedback. I access these energy imbalances by using Specialized Kinesiology such as muscle testing, pendulum and other intuitive abilities. In other words I input information and rely on the life force energy of the body to bring these imbalances to my awareness.

Once these imbalances are acknowledged they may simply release. If they don’t I rely on the life force energy to show me what is needed to release, balance or transform them. At times there are nutritional  and supplementation needs. Sometimes the body requires specific energy balancing techniques. Other times lifestyle changes are required. I stay open to the wherever your soul leads me.

These are some of the specific balancing techniques that I use:

  • Professional Kinesiology Practitioner Material. This is a vast collection of energy balancing techniques presented by Dr. Dewe.
  • Touch For Health developed by Dr. John Thie. This modality uses powerful tools to balance muscles, organs and meridians (pathways where energy flows) as well as the vascular and lymphatic systems. It can balance the whole body on all levels not just physically.
  • Nutritional Kinesiology which provides a feedback mechanism for energy imbalances such as sensitivities and infection energy. It is a very direct way of detecting energy imbalances in various body systems such as digestive, circulatory, reproductive and others. Nutrition and points on the body are used to correct these energy imbalances.
  • BOS (Biocomputer Operating System) developed by Harvey Steel and Larry Steel. It is an energy harmonizing technique that attempts to clear the body’s control system of errors and interference so that your body’s inborn healing potential can be fully expressed.
  • Authentic Healthy Awakenings Series which was created by me. A number of simple, but very effective techniques to balance the body and awaken you to your authentic self.
  • Other Applied Kinesiology techniques and energy work that over the years I have been blessed to be aware of.
  • Equine Muscular Therapy and Acupressure by Michael Baxter.
  • Equine Sport Therapy by Michael Baxter and Equine Sport Enhancement System. This Therapy uses Touch For Health with horses.

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There are no limits as to what Specialized and Nutritional Kinesiology/Energy Balancing can be applied to:

  • Animals
  • Health issues
  • Job and career issues
  • Relationship issues
  • Money issues
  • Behavioural problems
  • Old programming and patterns that no longer serve
  • Learning disabilities
  • Emotional and mental issues
  • Addictions
  • Phobias
  • Habits
  • Manifesting issues
  • Awakening to conscious awareness
  • Intuitive abilities
  • Developing animal communication
  • Spirit activity
  • And much more

The body’s energy will allow certain issues to be accessed and dealt with only at the ‘right or divine time’. I respect others’ beliefs and work with divine intentions. Your life force energy guides me to your priorities.

This is basically like going to the core of an onion and breaking free of the layers. I start by connecting with the life force energy which is divine love and use various techniques to clear energy imbalances to allow your body to heal itself and you to awaken on all levels. This will often have a rippling effect on others in your life and in the world.

This work is not a substitute for medical or veterinary care.

It can be a powerful complement to it.

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