Planetary Shifting

Have you been feeling ‘off’ lately? Have you been feeling lots of old patterns, programming, old emotional energy surfacing? You are certainly not alone.

This month and for the next month or so, planetary shifts will be prevalent. In general these planetary shifts occur from time to time and can be related to solar flares, changes with the Earth, moon phases, changes with other planets among other planet-related involvement.

If you feel that these shifts are a part of what you are experiencing, you can do something about it by acknowledging the connection then putting intention towards integrating and harmonizing the energy that is brought forward by these shifts.

If you have been feeling old energy such as past emotions surfacing, a suggestion is to tap where you are feeling it in your body while taking cleansing breaths to clear it. You can also help to release it by stating, “I am free of my past.”

Hang in there as this too shall pass… Continue Reading →

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

Sometimes we forget or ignore how much we have grown, so please remember to give yourself credit for your magical progress. There tends to be a lot of focus on looking at and clearing baggage, improving with spiritual books and teachings as well as nourishing and exercising the physical body and this is all fantastic. With all of this growth come amazing experiences and an expansion of consciousness.

Take a moment and think about how far you have come on your journey. Are you recognizing when you are moving into old patterns or programs and are able to stop them before reliving an old story? Are you noticing even subtle changes? Are you responding more rather than reacting? Have you noticed more serendipity in your life? Are you listening more to your gut feeling and trusting in its soul guidance? Are you perceiving old habits and putting energy towards breaking them? Are you aware of differences in interactions with others and even with who and what you attract into your life? Are you having light bulb moments? Are you facing your fears and doing it anyways? Are you feeling lighter and more connected with Universal Energy? Have you noticed things fitting together like a puzzle?

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