Welcoming the Awakening of 2012

There has been powerful shifting over the last few weeks. Some have been experiencing flu like symptoms, dizzyness, emotional turmoil, structural misalignment, etc. The physical has been trying to catch up with the spiritual transformation. Body work, clearing of emotional baggage and old programming and patterns, eating well, boosting the immune system, et.al. has helped many to work through these physical issues. Others have been experiencing much shifting and forward movement in their lives. The power of 12-12-12 helped many to experience a deep spiritual awakening. This awakening of awareness can be embraced and utilized further as the planetary alignment takes place from December 21/12 through to December 23/12. I get the sense that this is a time of internal alignment as to realize further the connection with Source Energy(God, Great Spirit, Infinite Spirit; it doesn’t matter what your beliefs as it is the same Glorious Energy); therefore,  the planet, others including animals, etc. Yes, a time for us to experience Oneness on a deeper level. This time in December is not about the world ending, but rather letting go of the old internal world that keeps us in fear and struggle. It is about realizing our internal soul vibration Continue Reading →

Wishing You All The Best in 2012

Greg and I had a great Christmas and New Year!! We socialized some, had a skating party, spent time with our Animal Family and communed with nature.

There has been much talk about 2012. Some fear it to be the year that the world will end. Some fear hardships and struggles and others think that there will be overwhelming natural disasters as well as manmade breakdowns i.e. financial collapses, etc.

An astrologer by the name of Victoria Peltz wrote an article explaining that she along with other astrologers discovered that the interpretation of the Mayan Calendar may have been off by two years. If so, the date that so many have been dreading was actually Dec. 21, 2010 rather than Dec. 21, 2012.

When I read this information that was sent to me via email, I felt that it was Truth. When I reflect back on Dec. 21, 2010, many people seemed to be in need of more assistance than usual. Throughout the last year, there were very intense Continue Reading →