September 2018

September has been a big shifting month for many of us. Various planetary events have helped us to move into a place of recalibration and remodeling.

With this type of shifting comes releasing of old patterns, programs, wounds and the like. You can assist this process by tapping and breathing this old energy out. Allowing this baggage to simply pass through you without judgement can be helpful.
Some of us may also experience physical symptoms. It is important not to get into a martyr state and resist this transformation. A suggestion is to accept how you feel and allow it to pass through you. Also, taking extra good care of your physical body during this time is a good idea. Feed it well, get lots of rest, exercise and nurture yourself.

This shift may leave us feeling anxious, fearful, lost amongst other things. Grounding yourself and clearing these emotions will help you to sense the underlying excitement of change.

Surrendering with power is called for as this shift takes place. Planetary shift integration with intention and releasing any imbalanced energy that comes up is called for at this time.

May you move through this month in an elegant manner!!

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Working Through Grief

As some of you know already, Greg decided to move out on November 1, 2014. I am sharing this story for neither sympathy nor judgement, but rather to use my own experience to support and inspire others who have been rocked to their core because a special love in their lives decided to leave. Where do I begin…
At first, I was absolutely devastated and completely caught off guard as our relationship had been so amazing for the past eight years. We often spoke about how fortunate we were to have one another. We simply resonated well together and appreciated one another on a daily basis. We had so much in common as we walked beside each other. I had felt unconditionally loved by him.

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