Working Through Grief

As some of you know already, Greg decided to move out on November 1, 2014. I am sharing this story for neither sympathy nor judgement, but rather to use my own experience to support and inspire others who have been rocked to their core because a special love in their lives decided to leave. Where do I begin…
At first, I was absolutely devastated and completely caught off guard as our relationship had been so amazing for the past eight years. We often spoke about how fortunate we were to have one another. We simply resonated well together and appreciated one another on a daily basis. We had so much in common as we walked beside each other. I had felt unconditionally loved by him.

As my relationship seemed to be in question, I was also dealing with my cat, Ricky, who was in his dying process. Ricky and I would sit together in the front living room and he would download all kinds of energy to me which helped me to awaken even further intuitively especially to the growing distance that Greg seemed to be putting between us. So amazing how these Animals support us while we are supporting them!! When Ricky felt that I could handle things myself in September, he left body.

I continued to put effort into resolving the issues with our relationship, but nothing shifted. I was in such shock!! I wanted so much to wake up from this nightmare and yet I was awake. Some of my Friends and Family received very tearful phone calls. No one could believe that I was going through this as they too felt that we were soulmates that would be together for the rest of our lives; they remained hopeful that things would work out for us. This was not the case as Greg moved out at the beginning of November. I felt some relief as the confusion during the Summer/Fall was very difficult; at least now I knew where he stood.

Grief is quite the process…I have allowed myself to acknowledge and honour my feelings. There was shock and denial then times when I felt such hurt, intense sadness, devastation, anger, frustration, resentment, abandonment, etc. I also experienced moments of blaming myself (wondering what I did and could have done differently), poor self-image, low self-esteem, questioning my own judgement, etc. At times, I was overwhelmed with daily tasks that needed to be done on the ranch; it felt so daunting doing it all on my own. Yet, I was not clear on what I needed help with around here. The Animals and I experienced heartwrenching times of missing him. He had been such a presence in our lives and on this ranch on a daily basis!! I was missing a soulmate, partner, best friend, fellow horse/animal person, etc.

I knew how important it was to truly work through this grief process and transition from a victim space to an empowered space. I so appreciated how the Animals and I were there for one another quietly supporting one another, giving one another pep talks when needed, them licking away my tears and so on. Getting up each day to tend to the Animals was very therapeutic. I continued to do lots of clearing with my energy work i.e. tapping and breathing out the various emotions and anything else that came up to be cleared, facing the feelings that came forward head-on with no judgement (in this way, the emotions would just pass through me and I would feel lighter), clearing and realizing the various aspects of myself that attracted this situation on a deeper level, etc. I am so grateful for my Friends that I turned to on a regular basis to assist me energetically. They, other Friends and some Family would graciously listen to and support me when I simply needed to talk it out. I also appreciated their advice that they would give me from time to time. Sometimes, I was guided to voice my feelings to Greg and be open to listening to him.

I allowed the tears to flow freely, spent time out in nature and meditated. I often listened to the I Am Wishes Fulfilled Meditation cd by James Twymen and Dr. Wayne Dyer(I am pleasantly surprised that it is not yet worn out :)!!). I used David Kessler’s Broken Heart Meditation when I was feeling particularly grief-stricken and I still use the technique in that meditation as various thoughts and emotions bubble up in my consciousness from time to time.

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Through these various methods, I kept myself at a high vibration as I continued to work with my awesome clients. Since being of service in this way is my passion, it brings about such solace for me. Therefore, my practice also helped me through this experience. I feel so fortunate and blessed as my work comes so naturally to me and it keeps me grounded. These clients, as well as my other helpers and my deeper sense of self, continued to remind me of the light within me that was still shining and that I was still very well taken care of and never alone.

I knew that I needed to accept that this was my life now. Eventually, I felt more solid in myself and empowered as I released my baggage and created a ‘new normal’ shall we say. I continue to work through my grief as things are finalized. Recently, I have been using a Hawaiian Healing Process called Ho’oponopono on a regular basis. It is amazing!!

Even though it was not what I wanted, I trust that the Truth did prevail. I continue to be committed to my sacred path by trusting in the guidance of my Soul/the Divine Energy.

As a result, I have manifested more of a community here and people that I can count on to help me on the ranch when I need it. I have had many realizations and awakenings. I realize, accept and embrace my inner strength and wholeness even more now.

I have not given up on manifesting a relationship. I feel that it will happen when it is ‘right’. For now, I am enjoying my Animals, this ranch, my practice and Friendships. I am moving forward with tying up loose ends and co-creating exciting future plans.

If you resonate with any of this, I trust that my story will help you in some way. We all have challenges; it is how we deal with them that is important. We are at choice to stay stuck or work through and rise above them. I have chosen the latter because I love being healthy, happy and living Truth as well as assisting others to be the same!!