Tribute To Ask’im

Ask’im was a very aware cat that was born into Greg’s(former partner) cat family about twenty years ago. When I first met this wise feline, he was very timid when he was out and about. As time passed, he became more confident. When he felt safe and comfortable, he wallowed in loving attention and beautifully returned the love.

Ask’im was a barn cat until Special passed on Christmas 2015. He spent some time processing her passing then indicated his desire to come into the house. At first, he was quite assertive with Spirit and Sissy Morgan. They eventually accepted one another. He settled into his new life and still liked adventuring outside to the barn.

He was a very vocal cat after he sustained a head injury. Fortunately, he was still very with it for the most part.
He eventually started showing kidney and thyroid symptoms which were supported by remedies. Even though he had a good appetite he grew thin. He was no longer able to go outside unsupervised as he would have been a prime target for predators. I knew that this was not to be how he was to exit his physical body.

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A few days before his passing, Ask’im began to shut himself down. The morning of October 21, 2016 he was very weak as he laid on the kitchen floor. He let me know that he wanted to continue with a natural death process. I made sure that he was as comfortable as possible. He did not want much from me simply for me to check in and hold space with him. He let me know that he was clearing imbalanced world energy as he was in this glorious transition.

He took his last breath and passed away peacefully that evening. He wanted to be buried near his barn Family.

Ask’im was quite the character that touched many hearts!! I am so pleased that he was a part of my life!!