Tribute To Chief White Cloud

I first met Chief White Cloud (known as Chief) when he came to be pastured for a few months with his Mom and other horses on my farm in Iowa. He was unlike the other foals as he would sooner be around humans than the horse herd. In fact he would follow me around like a dog.

Eventually he and three other six month old foals came back to be a part of my life. He was a curious, friendly one with a high play drive. He had a very busy mind and with Natural Horsemanship he learned how to channel that excess energy into fun and exciting times for both of us. This magnificent being was very sensitive showing me how light I could be with a horse. He was smart and confident prompting me to be a step ahead of him. He brought lightness and joy to my heart and I could not help but laugh and have fun with him. Chief was a complex horse…one moment he was like “Dennis The Menace” and the next minute he was showing his incredible depth leaving many of us in awe. He was second in command after Ladyhawk and was like her shadow. He would tease and play with the other horses as well as test us humans. This incredible teacher was quite a treasure as he touched many of my students’ hearts and guided them even after they returned home.

He along with the rest of the horse herd moved with me from Iowa to Arizona to Alberta and then BC. He was healthy most of his life except for when he had an allergic reaction to the trees after we settled here. He remarkably healed from that very toxic state using natural remedies, energy work and pulling in frequencies from his medicine bag in a previous life.

Back in 2014 he took on imbalanced energy that caused Basil Squamous Cell Carcinoma. He had to have his left eye and tumour removed. You can read about this part of his journey in My Animal Family category. Chief White Cloud recovered nicely from his surgery and navigated well with only one eye. He was very much himself with the herd as well as with my students and me.

I started noticing some changes in the eye socket area in the Fall of 2016. His Vet who came to my ranch to float my horses’ teeth did not seem concerned and Chief did not give any indication that I should be either. In a few months the tumour grew aggressively internally and externally in this area. Even though his Vet could not offer anything except pain relief if necessary, I continued to honour Chief’s wishes of keeping him in the loop.
This amazing equine guided a few of us to some remedies such as Broccogen-10, Broccofusion, turmeric, coconut oil and frankincense oil along with his usual feed and supplements. He wore a fly mask to repel the insects. Various energy work including stem cell energy balancing and de-engineering cancer was done. Even though this protocol did not rid his body of cancer, he indicated that it slowed it down and also kept him comfortable and spry. As always I know that energy work is an offering and it is up to the individual to utilize it. If it is their process of life to be cured, they will be. If not they will benefit from it however that is to be.

On July 11, 2017 my animal family and I had to evacuate due to the wildfires in the Williams Lake area. We spent six weeks on a farm just south of Prince George. Chief did very well for the most part until a week and a half before our return home as he started losing weight. I was hoping that this new development was due to stress, but he never regained the weight. The internal tumour remained large and the external one would grow then slough off. Needless to say it was very vascular but he was so good about being cleaned up. What a star!!

It was confusing sometimes as his external body was not presenting like his internal part. Even though he was thin and had cancer, he had a very strong will and remained very energetic. He kept up with the rest of the herd until late Fall/early winter at which time they stayed in the large paddocks out front. He was very much himself as he was still an instigator and put the others below him in the pecking order in their place. In fact one day he kicked Willie square in the chest. He took no time to come up for his food. It was as though he did not buy into being sick.

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It was a rollercoaster ride for me. At times I could totally accept where he was and other times I felt worry, concern and just tired. Sometimes I was concerned about missing something, those ‘what-ifs’ especially heading into winter and others’ judgement. I did not stay mired in this unproductive perspective though as I did lots of energy work and had the support of Thomas as well as my Friends and Family including my animals.

Chief was such a gift in my life even when he was physically taxed. He helped me trust in his process and guidance as he was very clear with us as to what he desired. He responded accordingly as well. He helped orchestrate the right people and things on our paths. This incredible being also taught me how to grow further within myself and to expand my energy work.

At one point Chief White Cloud indicated that he was going to pass on before October 31, 2017 then he changed his mind after a shift occurred. He fared well through a couple of cold snaps as he was kept cozy warm in his blanket. He asked for the energy work from the Florida healer to stop near the end of December. He continued to guide us as to what he desired remedywise and foodwise. On New Year’s Day Chief was fine when I fed him in the early morning. At lunch he ate well then started bleeding out of his mouth. Thankfully, this was short lived. I came in to make a few calls and he was laying down when I returned to him. There was an extraordinary sense of peace about him. His eye looked distant and was moving strangely. It felt like he was getting ready to leave body. We were all getting that he just wanted to be. It seemed like the first time that he fully realized that he was ill. I sat beside him letting him know how much I love him and reminisced with him. It was so special!! I went into the house to call Thomas again and Chief was up on all fours when I went back out. He rallied the rest of the day and that week. He wanted his hooves done on the following Saturday. He seemed fine at supper and late feed between 11pm and 11:30pm. Early the next morning I looked out my window and it was just light enough to see him with the rest of the herd. I made a comment to Nitika and the cats that he was up and I needed to get out to feed them. On the way to the barn I talked with the horses and called Chief. He did not come which was highly unusual. I then noticed his body down by the white board fence. I immediately went to check on him, but I knew that he was dead. By the look of his body, he had passed away with no struggle a few hours before. I felt so blessed and comforted that he showed himself in spirit state to me a little earlier though. Even though I was upset, I knew he was still very much around us. What a beautiful being!!

After feeding the rest of the herd, I put a tarp over his body because the magpies and an eagle were already gathering in the area. Thomas, Tracy and I were all getting that Chief White Cloud wanted his body placed on my land. I spent some time with his body and also with my other horses. My neighbours brought their four-wheel drive tractor down to move his body to a very sacred spot that felt really right. Later Thomas, Takoda, Nitika and I walked back through the valley to do a ceremony with his body. I laid a magical stone (my very dear Friend Manuela who passed away in mid November transmitted glorious energy into it) on his heart area. It was very special!!

I feel so fortunate to have had such an amazing being in my life for 16 years. He continues to be with me and I am open should he wish to come back into physical state in the future!!

I love you so much Chief White Cloud!!